Thursday, 3 May 2012

Class Inspiration..... Great effort guys!!

Voyage Fitness classes with Myzone Belts..... what effort are you putting into your workouts? need some inspiration or want to try something different, why not try one of the classes?
Myzone is a heart rate monitor belt worn that tracks your workouts inside the club and outside the club, your workouts are emailed through to you with a breakdown of the effort you put in the calories burnt and the MEPs you burnt (Myzone effort points) All users wearing the belts can see their live results in the gym and in the classes (you have probably seen the big TV's in the gym - this is what they are for) the belts display your working heart rate on the screen and the % you are working at. Your belt will also work outside the gym and store your workouts for you so next time you are in the gym you can upload your data to your email account and online account and track your progress.
Myzone belts are great for motivation in the gym to make sure that you are maximising your workouts and know excatly what effort you are putting into your session, We also set challenges in the club which you can participate in and win prizes.

At Voyage we are here to help you achieve your results and get the body you desire, myzone is a great tool that we can work together as we can look at your online account together and make sure that you are reaching your goals.

If you would like to join us for the Myzone experience, you can get your belt from reception today for $80..... ask one of the staff for more information

BEC's 1/2 hour spin class - Tuesday nights and Saturday: 279 cal (not bad for 1/2 hour)
Spin cycle is the indoor cycling workout where you ride to the rhythm of powerful music. Take on the terrain with Bec who will lead you through hills, flats, mountain peaks, timetrails and interval training.

Erika's Pilates Fusion class Tuesdays : 247calories
Pilates Fusion is a mixture of yoga, tai chi and pilates, a workout that builds felxibility and strength, leaves you feeling centered and calm, great for core stablility, back injuries and strength.

No limit circuit with Jake or Daz wednesdays: 506 calories
circuit class but hardcore bootcamp style.... encorporating ropes, tyres, medicine balls, kettle bells, sandbags and lots of fun and laughter

Boxercise with Jake or Daz monday and wednesday Thursdays : 812 calories
a total workout!!! using various pieces of equipment to gain fitness, strength and imroved muscle tone. Learn punching combinations and boxing fitness.

Zumba with Dee and Erika, mondays, thursdays and saturdays  561 calories
An exilirating workout to latin inspired music, no need to be co-ordinated we teach you the steps.
lots of fun and a calorie burning dance workout

Total body bar Mon,Wed,Thurs with Bec and Erika: 268 calories
an all over body workout using resistance bars and free weights, join us for a toned, trim body!!!

Tummy, Hips and Thighs fat blast with Erika on Thursdays. 274 calories
A toning workout for those problem areas on the tummy, hips and thighs, old school aerobic style encorporating toning exercises and resistance bands.

The choice is yours, if you haven't already tried the classes, now is the time! as you can see some of them are lower impact that others and are not as scary as you think, they are catered for each individual in the class and are a great fun filled way to burn calories..... see you at the next class!!!

New class timetable coming out next week

If you have any questions or queries please speak to any of the staff here at the club or shoot me an email, we are more than happy to help!

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Jakes killer boxercise class 30.4.2012

Jake's killer boxercise class..... well done to all that were still smiling at the end of it, looked like an awesome class, the most claories burnt was a whopping 556cal wow!!!!!!